
PC Minutes February 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 6, 2023

Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council


Parish Council Meeting

held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th February 2023

at Glazebury Methodist Church

A one-minute silence was held to reflect on the life of Briana Ghey

Chairman’s statement:

On behalf of Culcheth & Glazebury Parish Council I would like to pass on our condolences to the family and friends of Brianna Ghey. We would like to offer our support in whatever way we can. We are deeply saddened by what has occurred and our hearts go out to her family and friends.


Chairman N Johnson Vice Chairman K Bland

Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, V Allen, C Benson, C Smith, J Seddon, S Carr

PART 1 Welcome & Open

1. To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence None

2. 2.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests None

2.2 Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations None

3. To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 10th January 2023

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2023 are agreed as a true record, agreed by all

4. Police in attendance 7.50-8.15pm

4.1 Police report

The Area Commander, Sergeant & PC were present this evening. Policing style was outlined. An update was received regarding the ongoing investigation into the sad death of Brianna Ghey. Police presence will continue, with the use of the Parish office in the library. The linear park remains cordoned off.

Any queries or concerns can be raised with the team.

4.2 Police Report for January 2023 for Culcheth, Glazebury & Croft

Engagement/activity – January activity

Surgeries / Bike marking – 12/1/23, 25/1/23

Speed enforcement – 8/1/23 Heath Lane, 8/1/23 Common Lane,

30/1/23 Warrington Road

School talks – 13/1/23, 20/1/23, 24/1/23

The below stats outline incidents reported 01/01/2022 – 31/01/2022

Anti-Social Behaviour – 5 reports Culcheth: 2 Glazebury: 1 Croft: 2

Burglary Dwelling – 0 reports

Burglary Others – 1 report Culcheth: 1 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 0

Vehicle Crime/Offences-5 reports Culcheth: 3 Glazebury: 2 Croft: 0

Criminal Damage – 1 report Culcheth: 0 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 1

Report compiled by PCSO 20367 and PCSO 24026 (04/02/23)

5. 5.1 Planning Committee Report

Cllr Bland reported on the recent Planning Meeting and the drop in evening

Where many were able to attend and discuss their planning concerns.

5.2 To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 31st January 2023

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2023 be agreed as a true record, agreed by all

5.3 Review applications

A current list of applications was issued, which Councillors reviewed. The consultant’s report, related to 2022/42633 is due Wednesday.

5.4 Agree comments for submission

Councillors agreed comments for submission. On receipt of the consultant’s report for 2022/42633 the Clerk will submit the PC comments.

Clerk to submit agreed comments to WBC

6. 6.1 Land & Environment Committee Report

Cllr Bland gave a summary report, including plans for Community Day, where she has made bookings for entertainment etc. Documentation is needed for WBC.

Clerk to discuss documentation

Cllr K Bland to order new banners

Cllr K Bland to make arrangements for the kick rails repair and installation

Cllr S Bland continuing with planning

6.2 To approve the Minutes of the Land & Environment Committee Meeting held on 31st January 2023

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2023 be agreed as a true record, agreed by all

7. Finance

7.1 Review payments to be made

A list for this month was issued.

7.2 Review Chairman Allowance amount

Following discussion about costs it was agreed that receipts could be presented for expenses to be reimbursed.

7.3 Coronation weekend approve an amount

7.3a Schools taking part to be given a contribution. Feedback form 4 of the 5 schools in the area. One has no plans. Others are looking at coins and mugs. One is being organised by the PTA. Suggested donation of £200 to each school.

7.3b Other events -defer

7.4 Approve payments

Proposed Chairman to submit receipts for expenses reimbursement.

Proposed £200 for each of the Primary schools for a commemorative item.

Resolved that payments be made including agreed amounts for 7.1 to 7.4 inclusive, agreed by all

7.5 Culcheth Green Park summary

Councillors discussed the Children’s Play Area on Culcheth Green.

Parish Councillor Valerie Allen Statement read a statement: “Whilst any funding offered by the Warrington Borough Council (WBC) is welcome, it is disappointing that the funding that was promised has been cut by half. This was an ideal opportunity for all Parish and Borough Councillors to work together to maximise funding and to get the best possible play equipment for the children of Culcheth.

Conservative Borough Councillors, for Culcheth, Glazebury & Croft, were asked by the Parish Council to speak to WBC on their behalf, as the parish had hit a stalemate and were getting nowhere with the Council. After several representations, Conservative Borough Councillors were initially promised £140k match funding by WBC.

We were all asked not to publicise any details of the funding, until it was passed by WBC and had been agreed by the Parish Council.

Can I ask the Chairman, why he did a press release on behalf of the parish council, wearing his official chain, without the full agreement and ratification of the full parish council and using a photo of Labour parish councillors only?

Also, Can I ask Cllr Carr, what negotiations have taken place with Cllr Higgins regarding the playground funding, as Cllr Higgins has indicated in recent correspondence to the Parish Council, when asked why he had not replied to requests from the Clerk, in that Cllr Carr was being updated. Can we have a copy of all correspondence between the two and what discussions took place?

We agree to accept this ‘part’ funding from WBC on the condition that the Parish Council write asking when we can receive the balance as promised.”

Discussion continued. There remains disappointment that match funding was not available as had been expected. The WBC contribution of £72,000 includes S106 funding of £36,000. WBC will take the responsibility for the project management. The Clerk drew attention to the perception of double taxation, and contributing to a play area which is managed by and on land controlled by WBC. Cllr Carr gave a summary of funding and approach for parks in the authority. Councillors considered all information available and would like Borough Councillors to continue to seek further funding.

7.6 To approve the PC contribution

Resolved that the contribution of £140,000 for the Culcheth Green Children’s Play Area be agreed, and that further funding from WBC be sought, agreed by all

8. Borough Councillor Report

Cllr Allen no meeting. Statement in 7.5 above.

Cllr Carr – encourage people to put house numbers on all their bins.

9. Chairman’s Communications

The Chairman thanked all for attending and continued support in the community.

10. To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 14th March 2023 at Culcheth Community Centre

Closed 9.10pm

Meeting opens to the Public

None present



Signature Date





PART 2 None