
PC Minutes October 2022

Minutes Uploaded on April 6, 2023

Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council Minutes Of the  Parish Council Meeting

 Meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th October  2022

 At Glazebury Methodist Church


Chairman N Johnson  Vice Chairman K Bland

Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, V Allen, C Benson, C Smith, J Seddon, S Carr


PART 1   Welcome & Open 7.30pm

To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillors Allen, Benson and Carr who are all attending the WBC meeting.

2.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests  

Cllr Bland declared an interest in the funding request in 5.1 from Culcheth Primary School.

  • Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations None

 3.1 To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 27th September 2022

 Resolved that the minutes of the PC Meeting held on 27th September 2022 are agreed as a true and accurate record.

 3.2 Matters arising

 3.2a Christmas Market – There are fewer stalls than previously. Notices will be put into shops etc. WBC will be charging for the use of the gazebos including labour costs of set up etc. but there is no figure available yet. The Clerk reported that there is funding in the budget.

 3.2b Flies – There continue to be many complaints. WBC is continuing to follow up on reports. Cllr Bland has details of ongoing investigation.

Police Report 7.38-7.58pm

Police Report for September 2022                               

Engagement activity for the month of September

Op Scrambler 3 Sep operated across Warrington East

Ukraine Family Hub 4 Sep attended by PCSO Palfrey

Speed enforcement 21/08 – Heath Lane, 7 activations

Speed enforcement 29/09 – Common Lane, no activations

The below stats outline incidents reported 01/09/2022 – 30/09/2022

Anti-Social Behaviour – 3 reports

Culcheth: 1x Suspicious person; 1x Neighbour issues

Glazebury:  No reports

Croft:  1x quad bikes, for awareness Op Scrambler and Rural Team

Burglary Dwelling – 4 reports

Culcheth:  1 report Warrington Road – Shed accessed

Croft: 1 report Cross Lane

Glazebury: 2 report Warrington Road – Garage entered; tools taken

Whalley Avenue – Not burglary, reclassed vehicle interference

Burglary Others – 1 Report

Culcheth: No burglary, suspicious vehicle at business premises

Croft: No burglary reported

Glazebury: No reports

Vehicle Crime/ Offences – 0 Report

Culcheth Glazebury & Croft: Nothing reported

Criminal Damage – 1 Report

Culcheth:  Related to a domestic incident

Glazebury: Nothing to report

Croft: Nothing to report

Report compiled by PCSO 20367 Roberts (10/10/22)

PC Matt Hankin discussed the report and updated Councillors on activities moving forward.

Issues raised by Councillors and residents are speeding along Common Lane in Culcheth and Warrington Road in Glazebury, particularly near Bent’s. Councillors queried the possible average speed cameras for Warrington Road, but this is not something PC is aware of.

There are plans for two automatic cameras to go in, these take money away from local policing. Operation scrambler can respond to correct incident reports.  Croft has large cardboard Police figures, at a cost of £100 each, the use of which have been trialled successfully in Scotland.

There are two potential bids for Community funding. The PC will be able to endorse these if they go for submission.

Cllr Johnson to contact M Tune at WBC

Clerk to contact PCC’s office


5.1 To approve payments for October

5.1a Funding request

Two letters received from Culcheth Primary School children asking for support for the Christmas lunch and entertainment they are organising for the elderly.

£100 proposed and agreed by all.

Cllr K Bland had declared an interest and abstained.

5.1b Phone & Internet

The Clerk has considered costs and recommends ending the BT contract for the landline and internet. This would be replaced by a mobile contract for phone and internet. The cost saving will be at least £360 per year.

Resolved to discontinue the BT contract and replace with a mobile contract for the phone and internet, agreed by all

5.1c Gardener

Given increased costs and the gardener now being out of his initial contract it is proposed to increase payments each month by £60 from November,

Resolved to increase gardener payment by £60 per month from November, agreed by all

 5.1d Approve accounts

The October payments list is updated to include the above.

Resolved that all payments  for October be approved, agreed by all.

5.2 Scribe update

Training and uploading information are ongoing. A  Scribefest on Friday is a full day of presentations etc. All to be available for the Finance Meeting on 25th October.

5.3 Banking

Nat West are introducing charges on one of the accounts held.

The Unity Bank current account is opened, and documentation should arrive soon to activate the account.

5.4 External audit

The External Audit Report has been received and is signed by PKF as completed with no issues raised. The documents are noted.

There is an option to opt out from PKF and to find an External Auditor. The Clerks recommendation is to continue with PKF.

Resolved that the PC will continue with the appointed external auditors, agreed by all.

The Clerk will contact JDH Business Services Ltd for Internal Audit 2022/2023 with submission February 2023.

6. Policies & documents to review & adopt

Councillors have reviewed and updated existing documents and polices and introduced additional ones.  The revised and new documents are

Code of Conduct

Standing Orders

Terms of Reference for Committees

Financial Regulations

Dignity at Work

Grievance Policy

Absence Policy

Vexatious Complaints Policy

Recording of Meetings Policy

These will be live documents and can be amended and updated at any time.

Resolved that the PC adopt the documents and policies shown above, agreed by all.

7. Clerks Report

Culcheth Green – a meeting has been requested with WBC to discuss the play area and the Green as a whole.

Kick Rail – no replies from WBC, clerk to contact WW.

Maypole Green – Discussed with gardener who will make recommendations for two trees, one to commemorate the queens Jubilee and one In Memory of a resident.

Hampson triangle– The gardener reviewed the area, which can have compost added and planting although the outcome is not guaranteed. Tree advice will be given.

Land at the corner of Warrington Road & Hampson –PC’s maintenance offer is awaiting a reply from WBC.

Millenium Garden  Gardener planted small plants and lots of bulbs. Area completed.

Planters / flower baskets –  Planters requested on the railings at the roadside in the centre of Culcheth. Raised by residents. Gardener to advise.

Glazebury play area – grass cutting by gardener to continue, as a separate contract.

Glazebury Gardens – identified work is needed.

Weeds/general maintenance – complaints in various areas. WBC Policy requested but not received. WBC have sprayed weeds. Cllr Benson following up on areas omitted and uneven flags.

Training – Bookings have been made for Councillors and the Clerk.

A First Aid course is booked for November.

Defibrillators – The one at the Tea Rooms will be installed soon. One has been ordered for the Culcheth Scout Hut.

Christmas lights – to be reviewed next year.

Speeding – resident complaints to raise with Police.

Linear park – complaints about the poor condition of paths, seats etc.


Hampson Triangle to be added to the Land & Environment meeting agenda

 8. Chairman’s Communications

Cllr Johnson gave an update on the website which will soon be live. Information is being loaded. Email addresses are also set up. Assistance will be given to put this on your own mobile if you need it. There will be overlap initially with the current email addresses and the website.

 9. To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting

Tuesday 25th October   at Culcheth Library

6pm      Planning

6.30pm Land & Environment

7pm       Finance

Tuesday  8th November at the Culcheth Centre

7pm      Appraisal

7,30pm PC Meeting

Tuesday 29th November 6pm-9pm  First Aid at Glazebury Methodist Church

This meeting will be closed and opened to the public.

Meeting opens to the Public

A resident attended earlier this evening and raised continued concerns about traffic speeds on Common Lane. This was raised with the Police officer in attendance this evening.

Cllr Johnson will follow up.

            Closed at 8.30pm

            PART 2    
