
PC Minutes September 2022

Minutes Uploaded on April 6, 2023

Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council MINUTES Of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 27th September  2022

 at Glazebury Methodist Church

 A one-minute silence was held, prior to the meeting, in memory of HM Queen Elizabeth II

 PART 1   Open 7.38-9.10

  1.  Present

Chairman Cllr Johnson

Vice Chairman Cllr K Bland

Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, J Seddon, C Smith, C Benson, V Allen

Clerk T Rogers-Smith

Public 1

 2. To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence   None

Absent Cllr S Carr

 3.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests 

 All Councillors declared an interest in Planning Application 2022/42143

  • Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations  None             

  4. To receive a copy of the Proclamation [Appendix A]

The Proclamation was read at the Millenium Garden on 12th September. Children from Culcheth Primary attended alongside members of the public. Flowers were laid by the Millenium Clock and were added to later by residents.

Cllrs Johnson and Benson, and the Clerk,  attended Newchurch Primary School and Twiss Green Primary School and in assembly the Proclamation was read. All primary schools were offered the opportunity. The schools who took part were positive about the experience.

A condolence table was set up in the library and received positive feedback. This has now been removed but there is opportunity to add to it by contacting the Clerk.

The pages will be bound at a future date and retained in the PC archive.

5.1 To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 12th July 2022

Resolved that the minutes of the PC Meeting held on 12th July 2022 are agreed as a true and accurate record.

5.2 Matters arising  None

6.1 To receive a report from the Planning Committee and to review applications

Cllr K Bland gave a summary and Councillors considered the planning applications.

Clerk to submit comments as agreed [Appendix B]

6.2 To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 30th August 2022

Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 30th August 2022 are agreed as a true and accurate record

7.1 To approve the Minutes of the Land & Environment Meeting held on 30th August 2022

 Resolved that the minutes of the Land & Environment Meeting held on 30th August 2022 are agreed as a true and accurate record

 7.2 To receive a report from the Land & Environment Committee and to review to date

Cllr Bland reported on ongoing projects and forthcoming events.

7.2a Christmas Market – This is now being done by the PC as in previous years as the Makers Market have pulled out. The use of the CPOS and Lodge Drive car parks is needed, and permission has been granted. If there are any stalls on Culcheth Green, there would be charges.

Stall holders must provide copies of their insurance. Consider any need for First Aid provision. The Christmas lights switch on will tie in with the market day.

7.2b Defibrillators – The one at the Esso garage is now active and the second will go outside the Village Tea Rooms around on the wall at the right. Additional signs are needed.

7.2c Millenium Garden – work has been completed and many positive comments received. Advice is to have the area pressure washed annually. Budget for £500.

            Clerk and Cllr Bland to advertise changes to the Christmas Market


8.1 To approve payments made in July and August  [Appendix C] 

Resolved that all payments are approved for July and August

8.2 To approve payments for September [Appendix D]

Resolved that all payments are approved for September

8.3 Scribe update

The Clerk has been training on the Scribe package and Invoices are being entered onto the  system. It will be presented to Council at the October meeting.

8.4 Website

Councillors attended a presentation last month. There is an initial cost to set up the site. Updating would then be carried out by the provider, with no ongoing cost. The PC would be paying for domain’s etc, averaging under £20 per month. It would also take pressure off the Clerk. The recommendation is for the PC to agree the proposal, with the addition of clarity regarding ownership of the site and its contents. There would be liaison with the current provider and overlap for six months. Emails will continue with BT initially.

Resolved to accept the website contract, with the agreed ownership, and payment to be included with the September payments in 8.2 above is agreed by all

8.5 Audit

Submission was in the first week of July and the first contact from PKF was on 24/9/22, with two questions. The answers were submitted today and accepted as complete. The file now awaits signing off by a supervisor, who can ask further questions. This should be before 30th September.

8.6 Internet and phone

Current provision was discussed.

8.7 Banking

The application for a further Unity Bank account has been submitted. The current signatures are provided by Cllr K Bland and Cllr B Alldred, who are the only Councillors who can sign on the existing account. All other names for the existing accounts are no longer Councillors and need to be removed.

Clerk to report on mobile, landline and internet cost with a recommendation for the October meeting.

Clerk to contact Unity Bank

8.8 Clerk contract

Clerk and Cllr Holmes to finalise for the October meeting.

9. Policies to adopt

The Clerk will forward one or two policies to each Councillor for review. The SLCC templates are being used where possible. All Councillors can review all policies.

Polices can be adopted at the  October meeting. They can also be amended or updated at any future date.

Clerk to forward policies to Councillors

 10. Car park fees            

Cllr Johnson and Cllr Benson have been following up with residents and authorities

regarding the problems being encountered on the CPS car parks. Cllr Jhonson reported that sings are not legal, no appropriate provision for those with disabilities etc. Shopkeepers are unhappy with resulting drop in footfall, although Sainsburys say they are not affected. The two Councillors will meet to discuss the next step and letter needed.

Cllr Johnson and Benson to follow up

11. Christmas lights

11.1 Review fee for 2022

The Clerk recommended continuing this year with the current provider, and to review based on electricity costs etc for 2023. The Clerk queried a possible alternative location at Glazebury to avoid the installation costs of approximately £1900, given the need to comply with WBC highway restrictions.

Councillors resolved to continue this year with current provision including the lights in the same tree at Glazebury Church

11.2 Review future provision

To be discussed next year.

12.Culcheth Park

There are mixed messages in the public domain and clarity is needed.  Agenda item in part 2.

13. Correspondence

Note: a thank you received from the Ukrainian Hub.

14. Police Report

No attendance this evening due to shift commitments. A summary follows. There were possible overlaps on reports received for July and July/August and the Clerk has requested clarification. A summary to date follows.

Engagement activity for the months of July/August

Croft Carnival (3 Jul)

Birchwood Fire Station Open Day (17 Jul)

Ukraine Family Hub Festival (21 Aug)

Operation Scrambler team active in area (19 Aug)

Rural crime team liaised with over thefts agricultural/plant equipment

County Fire liaised with regarding Withington Ave fire

The below stats outline incidents reported [1/7/22 to 28/8/22]

Anti-Social Behaviour – 21 reports

Culcheth:  15x Youths related (4 relate to youths on motorbikes, Op Scrambler), 4x Youths related (Shaw Street/Withington Avenue), 2x Neighbour issues

Glazebury:  No reports

Croft:  1x youths

Burglary Dwelling5 Reports: Croft: 2 reports Spring Lane – theft of quad from agricultural building

Culcheth:  1 report: Enquiries established no burglary took place

Glazebury: Nothing to report

Croft: 2 reports ; Spring Lane – theft of quad from agricultural building; Chadwick Avenue – All in order on police arrival

Burglary Others1 Report

Culcheth: No burglary reported

Glazebury: 1 report; Lady Lane –Enquiries ongoing, theft from unoccupied business location

Croft: No burglary reported

Vehicle Crime/ OffencesNone

Criminal Damage3 x Reports

Culcheth:  2x vehicle damage; 1x No damage, relates to information being given

Glazebury: Nothing to report

Croft: Nothing to report

Report compiled by PCSO 20367 Roberts (10/09/22)

15. Clerks Report – items not included in other agenda items [Appendix E]

The Clerk has started the CILCA course and Councillors may notice changes to Agenda and Minutes presentation, correspondence recording etc.

Please give clear requests to the Clerk 7 days before the meeting for items on the agenda.

16.Borough Councillor Report  – Cllr Benson

No council meeting due to the Queen’s passing.
16.1 Cllr Carol Benson attended the Local Plan Inspectorship held at Halliwell Jones Stadium Yesterday. This is an examination undertaken by Secretary of State to ensure that rules have been followed by WBC when developing the Local Plan. Especially the decision to use Green Belt.
Culcheth and Croft are affected by this plan and Cllr Benson was listed to speak on behalf of our villages. There was plenty of opportunity to speak and Cllr Benson was pleased to cover all points in depth, and many were noted by the Chair of the meeting. Jacqui Johnson attended for Culcheth as a resident. The inspectorate will complete their work in due course.

The PC agreed previously that they do not want building on green belt.

16.2 The CPS carpark has changed hands a few months ago and new owners have employed Horizon for Carpark management. There is now just two hours free parking. A big problem is a no return in 1 hour rule which is catching many out and they have been fined. They are also fining anyone who drives from one car park to the other (CPS) as they count them as one carpark, but they have two exits/entrances. Cllr Benson has spent a lot of time speaking to residents, management at CPS and Sainsbury, Agents for the landowner, Horizon, and the Governing body for carparks. The latter has recently acknowledged the signage may be wrong after being pressed on that and photos sent. Cllr Benson has requested full refund to all who have been wrongly fined. Cllr Benson has also raised this issue with The CEO for WBC who has kindly offered to write a letter of support for our residents. We also want the times to go

back to the 4 hours we had.

17. Chairman’s communications

Reminder that Councillors cannot speak on behalf of the Parish Council unless it has been agreed/resolved in a PC meeting.

Without this agreement Councillors are expressing their own personal view or their view as an individual Councillor. Please be clear.

 18. To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 11th October 2022 at Glazebury Methodist Church.

Note that future meetings for Planning/Land & Environment are booked for Glazebury if the Library is not available.

This meeting will be closed and opened to the public.

Meeting opens to the Public 9.10-9.25

One member in attendance.

                        Concerns raised regarding the green belt.

Queried the location of a new bench.

Issues regarding the CPS car park.

Culcheth Sports Club problems and moving forward. Councillors thank him for attending and have noted points raised this evening.

             PART 2   9.25-9.40

             19        Culcheth Park

                        19.1 Update – Councillors discussed their understanding of the current situation.

17.2 Finance – Councillors would like to discuss this further with WBC.

            Clerk to contact Cllr Tony Higgins to arrange a meeting