
February 2022 Parish News.

News Items Uploaded on April 5, 2023

February 2022 Parish News.

Community Day

Planning is underway for this year’s Community Day in May.  This event is an excellent way for local voluntary organisations to meet residents and raise fund for their causes.  If any residents would like to be involved with the organisation and running of this year’s event, please contact the clerk to the Parish Council to register your interest.

Planning Concerns

The Parish Council is consulted on planning applications. If you have an opinion on an application, please let the clerk or councillors know as soon as possible, within the 21-day consultation period. If you search on the weekly lists section describes planning applications and decisions.

Christmas Toy Appeal

The Parish Council supported last year’s Christmas Toy Appeal by publicising the event and organising a collection point within the village.  ‘Forget Me Not’ collected over 5 trolley loads of gifts donated by local people. This year 847 children received at least 1 present, books and a selection box from the appeal. Thank you to all residents for their contribution.

HS2 Hybrid Bill

The next stage for HS2 is the Western Leg Hybrid Bill going before Parliament. Details about this can be found on the An introduction to the Phase 2b Western Leg Hybrid Bill process – High Speed 2 (  Councillors will be attending a hybrid bill briefing to keep upto date on the latest developments surrounding HS2.

Glazebury Traffic Group

Andrea Jeffries, one of the founder members of the group passed away recently. Despite her illness, she campaigned to reduce HGV traffic and speeding through the villages. Her tireless efforts as part of the group resulted in a Traffic Reduction Order become reality last year, improving the health and safety of residents. The Parish Council offers its condolences to Andrea’s family at this difficult time.

Christmas Lights

Thank you to the members of Culcheth Village Choir for singing Carols on the millennium garden during the Christmas light switch on event. A large group of people assembled to participate in the Carol singing and celebrate the start of the Advent season. The Christmas lights in both Culcheth and Glazebury added a festive tone to the night scene in the two villages.